Now Opening Coffee Course


Coffee bean – the seed of a cherry-like fruit – was first consumed by human for revitalization, it has captured the hearts of millions over time. Its bitter yet enticing taste can stimulate the central nervous system, circulation and respiratory system. An appropriate amount of caffeine can reduce muscle pain and increase secretion of the digestive gland. Coffee beans can enhance kidney functioning to help expel excessive sodium from the body; but over-consumption may cause caffeine intoxication.

From growing, fermentation, roasting, blending and brewing, coffee is an art in itself. We hire professional baristas as instructors to take you through this fascinating journey of the coffee world.


本學院設有國際咖啡師比賽的指定咖啡機, 讓學員能以專業機種訓練沖調咖啡技巧
本學院設有國際咖啡師比賽的指定咖啡機, 讓學員能以專業機種訓練沖調咖啡技巧


Coffee Class in HKSBTC

Coffee Knowledge and Basic Brewing Course


Course Objectives

The course begins by introducing the basic knowledge of the history of coffee culture, production process of coffee bean, to the principle of brewing and savoring coffee. After our instructor’s explanation and demonstration in class, participants will have a chance to practice making and tasting their very own cup of coffee.


1. History of coffee culture and its production process 
2. Understanding espresso 
3. Techniques for preparing and savoring espresso 
4. Milk frothing Techniques 
5. Making the perfect Latte & Cappuccino

Course Articulation

Participants may takeThe Coffee Knowledge and Intermediate Brewing Course upon completion of this course.

Course Nub. Date Time   Tutor
Suitable for: Anyone interested in coffee. 15 students in a class
CO-14103 8月17, 24 (星期六) 2:30 -5 :00pm,Total:2sessions   William
CO-14104 9月16, 23 (星期二) 7:30-9 :00pm,Total:2sessions   William
CO-14105 10月7, 14 (星期二) 7:30-9 :00pm,Total:2sessions   William

**下期課程正在籌辦中, 另提供單對單高度私隱咖啡課程, 及咖啡機租用服務, 有興趣人士可致電 (2391 5688 / 6411 5305袁先生) , 或以Whatsapp形式聯絡 (6411 5305袁先生) 查詢


Course Fee includes

Ingredient, study materials, examination fees and certificate

Course Fee

HK$ 900
4 sessions. 2 hours/session. Total : 8 hours
Early bird discount*: 10% off for enrollment made 2 weeks before class commence. 
Group discount*: 10% off for 3 or more students enrolling for the same course together. 
*Enjoy a total of 15% off for students eligible for both early bird and group discount.

Application Form


- 除非課程內特別聲明外,課程會以廣東話教授

- 所有課程報名留位及取得優惠等, 一切以入數過戶為準
- 課程學位經付學費確認後,一律不設退款  (包括因疫情而導致順延的課堂)

- 以上課程時間表為參考性質,一般情況下不會有更改, 但如有任何更改,以本學院網站時間表為準,請學員於開課前再次確定上課時間, 本學院保留最終決定權 

- 補課安排: 所有的補課安排都是以候補位置形式補上, 如該班別已經滿班, 補課的學生需等下一期課堂才能再補上, 本學院保留最終決定權, 如果課堂時間表有任何變更, 本學院亦不會另行通知, 需要補課的學員請自行聯絡本學院以確認補課時間




**備注**如要領取證書, 學員必須出席所有課堂後方可獲頒發證書, 且需另付$20的手續費

Coffee Knowledge and Intermediate Brewing Course


Course Objectives

This course is an advanced course built upon the Coffee Knowledge and Basic Brewing Course. The practical experience in class allows participants to master the use of coffee brewing machine and tools. Learning coffee brewing techniques and to create new coffee flavours – everyone can be a great barista!

1. Knowledge and skill of coffee drinking 
2. Characteristics of coffee from different geographical origin 
3. Coffee blending processes and different brewing methods 
4. Brewing of specialty coffee 
5. Operational techniques and maintenance of semi-automatic espresso machine

Course Nub. Date Time   Tutor
Suitable for: Anyone interested in coffee. 15 students in a class
CO -14202 8月 13, 20, 27 (Wed) 7:30-9 :30pm,Total:2sessions   William
CO -14203 9月 3, 17, 24 (Wed) 7:30-9 :30pm,Total:2sessions   William
CO -14204 10月 15, 22, 29 (Wed) 7:30-9 :30pm,Total:2sessions   William

**下期課程正在籌辦中, 有興趣人士可致電 (2391 5688 / 6411 5305袁先生) , 或以Whatsapp形式聯絡 (6411 5305袁先生) 查詢

Coffee Class

Course Fee includes

Ingredient, study materials, examination fees and certificate

Course Fee

HK$ 1150
4 sessions. 2 hours/session. Total : 8 hours
Early bird discount*: 10% off for enrollment made 2 weeks before class commence. 
Group discount*: 10% off for 3 or more students enrolling for the same course together. 
*Enjoy a total of 15% off for students eligible for both early bird and group discount.

Application Form


現正招生 Coffee Course

Coffee Course

Coffee bean – the seed of a cherry-like fruit – was first consumed by human for revitalization, it has captured the hearts of millions over time. Its bitter yet enticing taste can stimulate the central nervous system, circulation and respiratory system. An appropriate amount of caffeine can reduce muscle pain and increase secretion of the digestive gland. Coffee beans can enhance kidney functioning to help expel excessive sodium from the body; but over-consumption may cause caffeine intoxication.

From growing, fermentation, roasting, blending and brewing, coffee is an art in itself. We hire professional baristas as instructors to take you through this fascinating journey of the coffee world. read on Coffee Course


現正招生 Coffee Course

Coffee Course

Coffee bean – the seed of a cherry-like fruit – was first consumed by human for revitalization, it has captured the hearts of millions over time. Its bitter yet enticing taste can stimulate the central nervous system, circulation and respiratory system. An appropriate amount of caffeine can reduce muscle pain and increase secretion of the digestive gland. Coffee beans can enhance kidney functioning to help expel excessive sodium from the body; but over-consumption may cause caffeine intoxication.

From growing, fermentation, roasting, blending and brewing, coffee is an art in itself. We hire professional baristas as instructors to take you through this fascinating journey of the coffee world. read on Coffee Course




International Professional Bartender Course is cohosted by International Bartenders Association (IBA) and Hong Kong Bartenders Association , is currently the highest qualified certified bartender course in Hong Kong.

Total: This is a 42-hour practical and theory bartender course, to be conducted in International Bartenders Association approved centre. The course will be taught by an IBA certified instructor. read on THE SPECIALTY COFFEE ASSOCIATION Course (SCA)


現正招生 Coffee Course

Coffee Course

Coffee bean – the seed of a cherry-like fruit – was first consumed by human for revitalization, it has captured the hearts of millions over time. Its bitter yet enticing taste can stimulate the central nervous system, circulation and respiratory system. An appropriate amount of caffeine can reduce muscle pain and increase secretion of the digestive gland. Coffee beans can enhance kidney functioning to help expel excessive sodium from the body; but over-consumption may cause caffeine intoxication.

From growing, fermentation, roasting, blending and brewing, coffee is an art in itself. We hire professional baristas as instructors to take you through this fascinating journey of the coffee world. read on Coffee Course

報名程序 :

1. 請先聯絡本學院以作預約留位之用 (2391 5688 / 6411 5305袁先生)

2. 填寫網上報名申請表格

3. 請將款項滙入於HSBC學院戶口內 
銀行帳號:Hong Kong Sommelier & Bartender Training College Limited 

4. 注意滙款後,請將入數紙副本名字
a. 以電郵形式發送至
b.  以WhatsApp 形式發送給本人手機 : 6411 5305 (袁先生)

**備註:  如每班人數不足會另行通知上課日期或選擇退款
查詢或報名: 請聯繫袁先生






袁先生 Mr. Yuen


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+852 2391 5688
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+852 9037 9589


Professional Tutor

Neo Cheung

Neo Cheung

Neo Cheung 擁有SCAA美國精品咖啡協會– 咖啡杯測師證書, 歐洲精品咖啡協會– 認可培訓導師, 歐洲精品咖啡協會SCAE證書考官,曾任多個咖啡師及咖啡拉花比賽評審, 擁有豐富的咖啡師培訓經驗。 read on Neo Cheung

Rico Yuen

Rico Yuen

Rico Yuen,擁有IBA國際專業調酒師、國際日本酒講師、國際日本酒匠、燒酎唎酒師、SSI日本清酒唎酒師、中國酒協白酒品鑑師、WSET英國葡萄酒課程認証導師 資格 及 SCA精品咖啡協會專業級咖啡師証書,多年來曾在不同機構進行培訓工作,亦曾接受多間雜誌及電視台訪問,為提高學員的學習興趣,常使用新元素方式教學,將所有酒類知識與咖啡知識相結合, 深受學員歡迎,擁有多年教學經驗,是新一代全方位的培訓導師。 read on Rico Yuen

Kenneth Wong

Kenneth Wong

Kenneth Wong為香港資深的咖啡培訓導師,亦是多間咖啡店顧問。 擁有SCAE Barista Skills , Green Coffee , Roasting Intermediate及 Brewing, Sensory Skills Professional 認証證書,現在主要為培訓及推廣咖啡文化的相關工作。 read on Kenneth Wong