現正招生 Bartending Course

Hong Kong Bartenders Assosication (HKBA) logo

A glass of colorful cocktail brings you pleasure and enjoyment. If you can create a glass of your favorite cocktail, it is like being able to enjoy happy hour every day. There are many types of cocktails, and all you need to know is some basic knowledge of mixology, together with your creativity, you will be able to enjoy the fun of bartending. With over 25 years of bartending training and experience in hotels, and being invited to attend several international bartending competitions as judges, our instructors will teach you in everyday language so students can quickly manage the basic principles, understand the cocktail culture and bartending skill. You will begin to make great drinks with some tips, tricks and techniques, showing off your bartending skill after class when you host your own social gathering or mini cocktail party.

Bartender Basic Course (Level 1)


Course Objectives

1. Course will take place in a simulated bar environment in our school 
2. Teaching different base liquors and the techniques in mixing them 
3. Teaching and tasting over 30 popular local cocktails 
4. Practice building your own cocktail 
5. Course articulation: Participants may take the Professional Bartender Certificate Course upon completion of this course 
6. Tasting of two award-winning cocktails from the International Bartender Competition

Layering Cocktail
Layering Cocktail

Course Content

1. Characteristics, aroma, and application of the 6 base liquors 
2. Identify different glassware and correct use of bar equipment 
3. Ingredients of international standard cocktails and portion control 
4. Making and tasting award-winning cocktails 
5. Demonstrate the processes used in cocktail making 
6. Decoration of a cocktail – how to garnish your cocktail 
7. Basic requirement of a bartender

Course Articulation

Participants may take The Professional Bartender Certificate Course (Level 2) upon completion of this course.



學員完成調酒課程 Level 1-3 及 IBA課程後,本學院會推薦學員到連鎖餐廳或酒吧當全職或兼職調酒師

Course Nub. Date Time   Tutor
Suitable for: Anyone interested in professional bartending. Maximize class size: 15 persons.
CK-113 June 19, 26 ; July 3, 10 (Every Friday) 19:00 - 20:30,Total 4 sessions   Johnny Lau
CK-114 July 15, 22, 29 ; August 5 (Every Wednesday) 18:30 -20:00,Total 4 sessions   Johnny Lau

**下期課程正在籌辦中, 有興趣人士可致電 (2391 5688 / 6411 5305袁先生) , 或以Whatsapp形式聯絡 (6411 5305袁先生) 查詢


Course Fee includes

Ingredient, study materials


Cantonese supplemented with English materials

Course Fee

4 sessions. 2 hours/session. Total : 8 hours

Early bird discount*: 10% off for enrollment made 2 weeks before class commence. 
Group discount*: 10% off for 3 or more students enrolling for the same course together. 
*Enjoy a total of 15% off for students eligible for both early bird and group discount.

調酒課程實況 - 點擊以下圖示播放

Bartender Course Certificate

Bartender Course Certificate
Bartender Course Certificate
Hong Kong Sommelier & Bartender Training College, 香港品酒師及調酒師培訓學院

If student want to obtain this  Certificate, HKD$20 will be charged

Course Enrollment

- Minimum age requirement: 18 years or older at the time of enrollment. 

- Normal tasting portion of wines, selected by our College. Check out here [link] for our wine sample guide.
- Unless otherwise specified, our courses will be conducted in Cantonese supplement with English course materials.
- All examination registration requires 2 weeks in advance to process. 
- As our course schedules are tight, please be punctual to all sessions and examination.

Enrollment Method

1. Please contact Mr.Yuen(2391 5688 / 9037 9589) for reservation

2. Fill in the online Application Form

3. Please transfer/deposit the course fee to College Bank Account
Bank Name: HSBC
Account Name: Hong Kong Sommelier & Bartender Training College Limited
Account Number: 098-860026-001

4. After transfer/deposit the course fee, please keep the Bank-In Slip/Deposit Slip, then

Please send us the bank receipt together with your name and the course number by  
a. E-mail : info@hksbtc.com
b. or through WhatsApp send to Mr.Yuen (9037 9589) 

**Remarks: In case of insufficient enrollment, we will inform our students of new course commencement date or you may opt for a refund. For inquiry or registration, please contact Mr. Yuen.

報名程序 :

1. 請先聯絡本學院以作預約留位之用 (2391 5688 / 6411 5305袁先生)


2. 填寫網上報名申請表格

3. 請將款項滙入於HSBC學院戶口內 
銀行帳號:Hong Kong Sommelier & Bartender Training College Limited 

4. 注意滙款後,請將入數紙副本名字
a. 以電郵形式發送至 info@hksbtc.com
b.  以WhatsApp 形式發送給本人手機 : 6411 5305 (袁先生)

**備註:  如每班人數不足會另行通知上課日期或選擇退款
查詢或報名: 請聯繫袁先生







袁先生 Mr. Yuen


work Work
+852 2391 5688
fax Fax
+852 2391 5328
cell Cell
+852 9037 9589


Professional Tutor

Damon Yuen

Damon Yuen

袁大文Damon Yuen為世界侍酒大師協會之認証品酒師、葡萄酒烈酒專欄寫作人,現為香港中文大學、VTC各院校,WSET英國葡萄酒及烈酒基金學會之葡萄酒課程講師,並於2013年獲西北農林科技大學葡萄酒學院聘請為客座教授。

多年來曾為多項品酒師、調酒師之比賽擔任國際評判及品試會當評委。亦為歐洲及法國遊學團統籌及領隊 。

大文sir多年來醉心於有關葡萄酒的鑽研,並曾在多間4,5星級酒店工作,擔任飲品部經理一職達16年之久,期間主要負責與葡萄酒有關及品酒師、調酒師的培訓工作,深懂與葡萄酒有關的學問。多年來亦多次應邀出訪多個葡萄酒生產國,如法國、意大利、西班牙、德國,希臘,匈牙利,奥地利,克羅地亞,斯洛文尼亞,保亞利亞,葡萄牙,澳州等地學習及吸取與葡萄酒有關之學問,期間並拍攝了數萬多張照片及一些錄影片作日後寫作及教學之 read on Damon Yuen

Wing Chan

Wing Chan

Wing Chan,擁有IBA國際專業調酒師証書 ,WSET英國葡萄酒及烈酒Level 2証書 及 SSI日本清酒唎酒師資格,另為僱員再培訓局(ERB)調酒課程導師,曾於酒店飲品部工作13年之久,主管酒吧部,負責日常酒吧的一切操作及培訓,擁有豐富的培訓及酒吧管理經驗,亦曾在多個國際調酒比賽中獲得獎項,經驗十分豐富的調酒培訓導師。 read on Wing Chan

Rico Yuen

Rico Yuen

Rico Yuen,擁有IBA國際專業調酒師、國際日本酒講師、國際日本酒匠、燒酎唎酒師、SSI日本清酒唎酒師、中國酒協白酒品鑑師、WSET英國葡萄酒課程認証導師 資格 及 SCA精品咖啡協會專業級咖啡師証書,多年來曾在不同機構進行培訓工作,亦曾接受多間雜誌及電視台訪問,為提高學員的學習興趣,常使用新元素方式教學,將所有酒類知識與咖啡知識相結合, 深受學員歡迎,擁有多年教學經驗,是新一代全方位的培訓導師。 read on Rico Yuen